Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Flower-Corsano Duo - The Chocolate Cities

This one is just killing me right now. Mick Flower plays an electrified "Japan Banjo" while Corsano destroys the kit. This is a tour-CDR of studio-quality out-of-this-world live recordings. Or, as some other random dude on the internet said: "Wailing psychedelic tangled droning and plucking is set against pounding unpredictable percussion - it's as if Hendrix picked up and left for India, bag of narcotics in tow and then bumped into Elvin Jones before recording a night-long improv session." The thing that grabs me about this is the sheer joy of it all. This is the sound of two people finding total elation. Fire erupts, sunlight bursts, drones approach from the east, everything melts away for 40 minutes.

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