Friday, January 1, 2010

Hooton 3 Car - By Means of Maybe

Hooton 3 Car were around in the U.K from 1994-98 playing a really hooky Samiam / Pegboy / Small Brown Bike kind of deal. They seem to have been all but forgotten. By Means of Maybe is their 3rd and final LP and it's where they really hit their stride. I'm really really picky about this kind of stuff but this has been spinning constantly for a few days now.


Anonymous said...

Thanks. I really Appreciate.
Please UP anymore that you've got.

I got Cramp like a Fox.

And sent an order to Crackle! for the discography. But they emailed me yesterday saying it was discontinued.

vulture said...

Excellent band who seemed to have got overlooked ...cheers for this and if anybody has a link to the discography please let me know

spacesbetweendays.. said...

I've posted the H3C discography over at, plus crackle has made another run of these, so you can order the actual 2XCD from them.